- It may take 12-24 hours to process your order . Once your order has been processed, you will receive an email confirming that your order has been shipped.
- Shipping Fees and Timing : Free standard shipping in the United States. We strive to deliver your order within 3-7 business days in the United States and within 8 business days in Europe.
- To track your order, please visit your Caselibary account or the shipping confirmation email.
Return value:
- 100% Money Back Guarantee, our return policy is 14 days . Purchases made online can be returned online or in stores for free.
Or to register a return online ,Contact the client service. Register your returns online by connecting to your Caselibary account.
- Items purchased with PayPal can be returned online or exchanged at a self-supporting store
- Prepare the package : Put the item in the original package and place it with the original receipt.
- Delivery of packages to UPS : Unload your packages at the UPS store or collection point.
Inquiries |
(Business days: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)